about the journey of water



Water is one of the world’s most priceless resources, responsible for many fundamental activities including life itself. While water covers 70 per cent of our planet’s surface, only 3 per cent of all water on Earth is freshwater. Furthermore, only a meager 1 per cent of this is accessible for human use. But despite its invaluable importance and scarcity, it is perhaps one of the most under-appreciated resources.


Many times, we take for granted the significance of water and even more, the journey it takes from its source to our homes, communities, farms, industries and other destinations where it is put to use.

What is the Journey of Water?


The Journey of Water (JoW) is a campaign spearheaded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Zambia aimed at reconnecting people to the real source of water – nature; reminding us that ‘water does not come from a tap’. At its core, the JoW is a 360°campaign, leveraging the power of offline and online media platforms to raise awareness and create public demand for sustainable management of our country’s water resources. One of our main water resources is the Kafue River - the largest tributary to the Zambezi, traversing through Copperbelt, Central, Southern and Lusaka Provinces where major commercial, agricultural, industrial and mining activities are concentrated. The Kafue River is the backbone of the Zambian economy.


The 2017 JoW campaign will focus on the Kafue flats, highlighting the route water takes from Kafue to Lusaka. It will culminate into a literal walk through the Lower Kafue sub catchment, from Kafue town all the way to Lusaka, with influential Zambians and media who will document the incredible and, in many ways, challenging journey that water travels to get to us.


Subsequent JoW campaigns will focus on other crucial water paths until the entire country is covered.

Why the Journey of Water?


The JoW campaign will focus on reminding us of the amazing and yet difficult path that water journeys to reach us so that we can all become responsible custodians of this one of a kind resource. In highlighting this path that water takes to reach us, the campaign will reinforce the need for us to protect, preserve and sustainably manage our water resources. It is a reminder that water is EVERYBODY’s business.


Key facts about the Kafue flats, a major wetland ecosystem of the Kafue sub-basin:

• Sustains one million people (or 9% of the Zambian population) through fishing and farming activities.

• Provides 44% of all water in Lusaka.

• Responsible for 45% of the country’s electricity generation

• Services up to 20% of the national herd of cattle.

• Home to 28,000 Kafue Lechwe which are found nowhere else in the world.

• Supports the largest known population of Wattled Cranes in the world (over 2,900 Wattled Cranes).

When is JoW?


• 10th May 2017 – campaign launches

• 22nd – 24th June 2017 – Literal walk from Kafue to Lusaka.